Trax has developed an advanced steel weight clip-on design that incorporates the CAM-BACK™ design features as found in the popular series 200 series zinc universal weight for steel wheels.
There is global interest in using steel as a material for balance weights as some Original Equipment companies prefer steel over zinc for ecological and recycling reasons.
Japanese OE use only steel (or iron) as a material for balance weights and USA OE also uses steel.
Incorporates the TRAX CAM-BACK™ solution for maximum safety and retention.
TRAX-LOK® is an advanced method of attaching a clip to a weight body. Developed by Trax, this solution enables a high speed automated assembly process ensuring consistent weight body and clip attachment.
- Top cam - SAFETY. Prevents the weight from falling away from the rim
- Bottom cam - RETENTION. Forces the weight body away from the rim, opening the clip gap & increasing retention.
- EASY TO FIT - the rounded bottom edge allows the weight to slide easliy on fitting.
- ACCURACY - the clip gap is more accurate than a die-cast weight as it is a one-piece clip construction
Community Registered Design No: 001260277-0001
European Patent granted: EP2271856B1
European Patent applied for: 1164281.5